Workers' Comp
Workers' Compensation Overview
Important Topics
- Board Policy 6.543, Human Resources Procedure Manual C7.4
- District Guidelines – After an employee injury, the employee must complete the First Report of Injury, Accident Incident Statement, and be treated at the contracted Urgent Care, which includes mandatory drug testing.
- The administration should complete the investigation and obtain witness statements if applicable.
- Risk Management can walk you through employee communication and return-to-work procedures.
- What about after hours questions?
- True emergencies that may be work comp related – go directly to the closest hospital for emergency care.
- Call Alexandra Timmons at (850) 380-6961 after an emergency is addressed.
- Non-emergency needs- Ms. Timmons will advise on treatment options based on time of day and needs.
Who to call or email for questions: Cindy McDonald (850) 983-5150 ext. 4282 Alexandra Timmons (850) 983-5150 ext. 1062