Students who are gifted have learning needs that go beyond what is traditionally offered in the regular classroom. The nature of their abilities, demonstrated or latent, requires differentiated learning experiences and opportunities for them to maximize their potential.
Support services will be provided so that gifted students, in a variety of fields and disciplines, will be able to: (1) Critically examine the complexity of knowledge: the location, definition, and organization. (2) Create, adapt, and assess multifaceted questions. (3) Conduct thoughtful research/exploration. (4) Think creatively and critically to identify and solve real-world problems. (5) Assume leadership and participatory roles in both gifted and heterogeneous group learning situations. (6) Develop and deliver a variety of authentic products/performances that demonstrate understanding. (7) Set and achieve personal, academic, and career goals. (Florida’s Frameworks for K-12 Gifted Learners, FDOE, 2013)