2025 School Related Employees of the Year (By Site)

Congratulations to the following individuals:

Avalon Middle - Kari Campbell

Bagdad Elementary - Telisa Dixon

Bennett Russell Elementary - Wanda Miller

Berryhill Elementary - Jane Sanchez

Central School - Wendy Whittaker

Chumuckla Elementary - Jennifer Henry

Dillon Center - Michele Hargraves

East Bay K8 - Sarah Henry

East Milton Elementary - Tracy Hoard

Gulf Breeze Elementary - Natalie Ray

Gulf Breeze High - Lillian Ewens

Gulf Breeze Middle - Stephanie Schoephoerster

Hobbs Middle - Chris Hansen

Holley Navarre Intermediate - Debbie Caudill

Holley Navarre Middle - Erin Clemons

Holley Navarre Primary - Marvin Dauphin

ITS - Patty West

Jay Elementary - Lisa Wolfe

Jay High - Tawney Lowry

King Middle - Diane Robinett

Locklin Technical College - Abigail Spencer

Maintenance - Larry Wayne Sanders

Milton High - Tina Rodier

Navarre High - Kathy Joutamah

Oriole Beach Elementary - London Bounds

Pace High - Rebecca Cheatham

Pea Ridge Elementary - Cynthia Smith

Rhodes Elementary - Natalia Sutawidjaja-Stillings

Santa Rosa High & Adult - Beth McBeth

Santa Rosa Online - Megan Holland

Sims Middle - Bobbie Davis

SS Dixon Intermediate - Kaderon McCrary

SS Dixon Primary - Kassidy Harris

TR Jackson Pre-K - Holly Ledbetter

Wallace Lake K8 - Britnye Bucholtz

West Navarre Intermediate - Debra Cintron

West Navarre Primary - Courtney Whitworth

Woodlawn Beach Middle - Dana Burkhart