Student Accident Insurance

Student safety is a top priority of the Santa Rosa County School District. However, in spite of the emphasis we place on student safety, student accidents will occasionally occur. Please be advised that the School District's general liability insurance does not cover medical costs for treatment of student accidental injuries. To help parents with medical expenses resulting from accidental injuries, each year we offer several optional student accident insurance plans that have a one-time low cost annual premium.

The available options include the following:

  • School Time Accident Coverage - provides coverage for injuries incurred during the hours and days when school is in session and/or while attending or participating in school sponsored and supervised activities on or off school premises (*excludes students participating in high school interscholastic tackle football and sports unless additional premium is paid). Annual premium ranges from $10.00 to $27.00 depending on plan selected (Basic A or B).
  • 24 Hour Accident Coverage - provides coverage 24 hours per day. Coverage includes weekends and vacation periods including the entire summer. Students are protected while at home or away. *Excludes students participating in high school interscholastic tackle football. Annual premium ranges from $62.00 to $87.00 depending on plan selected (Basic A or B).
  • Football Coverage - provides coverage while participating in high school interscholastic tackle football practices or games. Travel is covered when going directly and uninterruptedly to or from practices or games as part of a group in transportation furnished or arranged by the Policyholder. Annual premium ranges from $70.00 to $105.00 depending on plan selected (Basic Plan A). *Freshmen football players who only play football with other freshmen are not charged extra for football coverage.
  • Accident Dental Coverage - provides coverage for accidents resulting in injury to the teeth occurring anytime and anywhere. Student must be treated by a legally qualified dentist for the injury. Annual premium is $5.00

The policy benefits both uninsured families and families with other primary sources of coverage. Please carefully review the accompanying flyer that provides additional information regarding the student accident plan. If you wish for your child to participate in any of the above plans, you have three enrollment options:

  1. Enroll on-line at using the on-line credit card payment option; OR

  2. Complete the "mail back" enrollment fonn that is available for printing on the School Insurance Agency website ( and pay the applicable premium by check or credit card. Mail the form and payment directly to School Insurance Agency address printed on the application; OR

  3. Call Scholastic Insurance of Florida (800-432-6915) and enroll via telephone.