Reproductive Health and Disease Education Notice

Florida Statute 1002.20 requires each school district to publish a notice on the district’s website concerning a parent’s right to exempt a student from reproductive health and disease education.

Santa Rosa County District Schools’ Reproductive Health and Disease Education opt-out process, in compliance with Florida Statute F.S. 1003.42(3), allows parents, through written request to the school principal, to choose for their child to be exempt from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment.

Parents should use the Reproductive Health and Disease Exemption Form (translated version) to request exemption from reproductive health and disease instruction.
The completed form should be submitted to the front office of the student’s school of enrollment.

SRCDS parents and families may view the instructional materials by accessing the Parent Portal located in Focus. If you are a member of the public and would like to review the curriculum materials, please call (850) 983-5150 ext. 1028 to schedule an appointment.

Courses taught in Santa Rosa County District Schools that contain standards related to reproductive health and disease are listed below. Course standards and information on major instructional materials are defined by s.1006.29(2). SRCDS will be recommending these materials to the Board of Education for approval on January 18, 2022, following a public hearing.



  • Health Science Anatomy and Physiology*

    Course Numbers: 8417100

  • Emergency Medical Responder 3*

    Course Numbers: 8417171

  • Health Science Foundations 2

    Course Numbers: 8417110