Student Information System
SIS User Quick Links
- FLEID Demographic Change Request
- Course Recovery Instructions and Letter
- Enrollment Checklist
- Enrollment Instructions
- First Impulse
- Focus Student Search
- Master Schedule Course Setup- Secondary Schools
- Moving Active Course to New Course/Section Number
- Middle School PE Waiver 2024/25
- Scheduling Methods Handout
- Student Rollover Instructions_2324_May
- Withdraw Checklist (Summer) 2023/24
- Who you going to call
- Summer School Instructions 2023/24
- 2024_25 Beginning of Year Documents
Focus User Training
- Admins and Office Personnel
- Focus Basic Navigation Admin and Office Personnel
- Enrollment
- Admin Attendance
- Discipline Admin
- Positive Behavior
- Teacher Web Pages
- Elementary Package Scheduling
- Elementary Scheduler
- Scheduling 255/254 KG
- Scheduling 255/254 Grades 1-5
- Creating Inclusion Section
- Adding Inclusion Section to Student Schedule
- KG Grade Processing
- Elementary Grade Processing
- Secondary Grade Processing
- Graduation Dashboard
- FASTER- Incoming Requests and Outgoing Transcripts
- FASTER- Send Request and Incoming Transcripts
- Guidance- Elementary
- Guidance-Secondary
- Kindergarten Teachers
- Elementary Teachers
- Secondary Teachers
SIS District Reports (beta)
3 months ago
These are custom district reports in Focus meant to provide information that may not be immediately accessible through Focus' built-in reports. These reports are maintained by ITS staff.
This report provides a district-wide or school-based report that lists the students that have not attended during the given FTE attendance window. The total_days_absent column shows the number of school days recorded as absent during the entire FTE attendance window, which may include future absences that have been pre-arranged. Schools that do not take standard attendance should not use this report. This report refreshes hourly.
Staff Members