SRCSD parents/legal guardians can click here to find a list of currently adopted instructional materials (i.e. textbooks).
This SRCSD document provides SRCSD parents/legal guardians with a complete list of digital applications adopted by the district.
To learn about the process to request that a particular physical or digital material be reconsidered please visit the SRCSD Instructional Materials Manual.
Parents/legal guardians may also object to instructional materials and other materials used in the classroom based on beliefs regarding morality, sex, and religion or the belief that such materials are harmful. The procedures to object to instructional materials can be found under the Currently Adopted Instructional Materials Grievance Procedures here.
- School Board Policy 4.21 – Instructional Resources and Materials details the procedures for the adoption of instructional materials.
- School Board Policy 4.22 – Library Materials Selection and Adoption governs the responsibility and criterial for the selection of library and other reading materials.
*This section complies with Sections 1014.05(1)(b), 1014.05(1)(c), and 1014.05(1)(f)(6), Florida Statutes.