
Using a variety of methods to assess student progress, teachers in SRCDS assess their students as they participate in the daily classroom instructional program.

Report Cards

Kindergarten students receive progress reports every twelve weeks. Teachers assess each child in the areas of Language Arts, Letters and Sounds, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Social Development, Work Habits, Motor Development and Creative Development. Grade codes for kindergarten are E = excellent, S = satisfactory, N = Not mastered, O = Items circled indicate mastery, Blank = Not introduced/not assessed at this time.

When parents or guardians sign the child’s progress report, they may indicate that a conference with the teacher is requested. Parents are encouraged to meet with the teacher on a regular basis.

Teachers report on the progress of students in first and second grades each nine weeks on a Santa Rosa School District Student Progress Report (report card) that is sent to the parent or guardian of each child. A grade is assigned each nine weeks in the core curriculum areas of reading, language, writing, spelling, mathematics, science/health/ safety, and social studies. In addition, students receive a grade in the resource areas of handwriting, music, art, and physical education. Conduct is also graded. The grading scale is E = excellent, S = satisfactory, U = unsatisfactory, N = needs improvement, and I = incomplete.

In grades 3-6, students receive number grades in the core curriculum: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, and 0-59 = F. Grade codes for the resource areas of handwriting, music, art, and physical education are E,S,N,U,or I.