
What path will your child take after high school? Transition planning can help you with the answer! All students with IEPs must receive transition planning and services to be addressed annually by the IEP team. Transition planning consists of curriculum, services, and supports to help students with disabilities, ages 13-21, move successfully to life after high school with the focus on:

  • Future education and training

  • Future careers and employment

  • Community involvement

  • Connections with agencies and services

Transition Planning

“There is a world of opportunity out there…if you dream and prepare!”

​“Quality transition planning is student centered and student driven. The initial step is gathering information regarding a student's current strengths, needs, preferences, and interests in the context of “of current and future working, educational, living, and personal and social environments”, (Sitlington, Neubert, and Leconte, 1997).