June 30, 2025, is the last day of business operations for the current 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Any procedures involving purchases and payment of invoices associated with State and/or Federal grants MUST be completed in accordance with the stipulations and requirements of EACH GRANT. If you are responsible for either State/Federal grants, it is your responsibility to be aware of grant ending dates. Accounts Payable highly encourages Master Card spending encumbrances to be completed by April 1st and expended before June 1st to avoid loss of credit card budget dollars and to avoid audit issues. If you are responsible for either State or Federal Funds you MUST allow enough time to receive ALL invoices and get them to Accounts Payable in a timely manner for end of the grant year payment. If all payments associated with a grant are not paid within the parameters of the grant, then payment will have to come from some other funds or merchandise returned.
In regards to using your VISA purchasing card, if funds other than state/federal grants are being used for payment, there are no restrictions on the time of usage. The time constrictions are important for State and Federal Grants with June ending dates only!
Important Change for Invoice Payments - Continue sending invoices for Accounts Payable for the 2024-2025 school year as you get them. Accounts Payable will continue to enter invoices for payment. Do not hold invoices for the 2024-2025 school year. Accounts Payable will continue normal payment operations for 2024-2025 purchase orders while the budget is closed.
Visa/Mastercard coding change- Visa/Mastercard coding can continue as usual for the 2024-2025 fiscal year while the budget is closed.
May 12 - Last day to pay invoices for Bus Requisitions.
June 13 - Last day to submit ALL IN-COUNTY AND OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHERS FOR THE 2024-2025 school year. Please be sure that there are sufficient funds in the correct line item BEFORE you turn travel voucher forms in to A.P. Travel will be paid out on June 30th.
June 17 - last day to enter Regular Purchase Order Requests.
June 20 - Last day to print purchase orders.
July 1 - 2024-2025 BUDGET IS NOT AVAILABLE
July 11 - The budget is planned to be opened. An email will be sent.