Library Mission Statement

The library media center serves as the information, research and cultural center of the school. Service to the students and familes in Santa Rosa County is the highest priority. The mission of the library media program is to actively support and advance the purpose, philosophy and goals of the school in academic, community, and extracurricular activities.

Why School Libraries Matter

More than 60 education and library research studies have produced clear evidence that school library programs staffed by qualified school librarians have a positive impact on student academic achievement.

Library Media Staff
Access Level Logo

Santa Rosa County District Schools has implemented a new process that allows parents to choose their student’s level of access to school media center collections each year:

Unlimited My student may have full access to check out grade and age-appropriate books that are availiable at their grade level (elementary, middle, high) school library to include same grade level inter library loan as well as classroom libraries.
Limited My student may check out books from the library media center, but there is content that that I would like my student to not have access to in the library media center including the classroom library.
No Access My student is not permitted to check books out of the library media center or use classroom library books.

To make a selection other than Unlimited, please make the selection in the Focus Parent Portal.

Procedures for challenging library materials

The Santa Rosa County District Schools has adopted a policy to provide selection criteria for book selection in our Library Media Centers that is compliant with state statutes and legislation. Our Library Media Specialists make every effort to ensure that library collections are of high interest to students, aligned with curricular needs, and centered around age-appropriatness. In the event a book or material is deemed inappropriate by a concerned school-community citizen, the following links offer assistance with the process of requesting a review and reconsideration of the appropriateness of the book or materials.

Instructional Material Grievance Procedure

School Board Policy 4.22