College and Career Readiness

Santa Rosa County District School's ESE Department provides multiple opportunities to support our students with disabilities to become college and career ready.

Workforce Education

Workforce Education manages career and technical education courses and programs for middle schools, high schools, and the district's technical center.

  • Career Pathways
  • Preparing a Workforce
  • MyCareerShines is a comprehensive education and career planning system that will help you succeed in the increasingly competitive global economy. You will learn about yourself, discover the many options and opportunities for your future, and gain access to the information and tools to achieve your goals.
Transition Program Options

Transition Program Options for Ages 18 THROUGH 22 change from 21, Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities who have a Deferred Standard Diploma or Graduated with the Special Diploma (2016-2017, last year to earn)

Contact the ESE Transition Program Facilitator for more information at (850) 983-5150.

Tri-County Transition Interagency Collaborative

Transition planning stakeholders are invited to the quarterly collaboratives throughout each school year to learn about a common need across the three districts with the goal to streamline transition resources for all stakeholders while improving student outcomes. The school districts’ ESE Transition Program Facilitator/Specialists for Santa Rosa, Escambia, and Okaloosa established a partnership in 2015 with FDLRS and Project 10, part of the Florida Department of Education BEESS. Community agencies and services are an integral part of the collaborative and transition events are held typically in September (Okaloosa), December (Santa Rosa), March (Escambia), & June (Virtual). Contact Rachelle Wood for more information at (850) 983-5150.