The Social Thinking Classroom at a Glance
  • A warm, inviting classroom with a small student to teacher ratio

  • Extensive social skills training that is also infused throughout the day during instruction

  • Daily access to technology to enhance academic achievement

  • Participation in a peer mentoring program where other students from the school come into the classroom to provide social support

  • Computer-based instruction

  • A consistent behavioral environment where expectations are discussed and modeled throughout the school day

  • Video modeling as a visual tool to cultivate social skills

  • Visual strategies to increase comprehension and the ability to transition more effectively

  • The opportunity to transition to an inclusive setting in a preferred subject classroom with support (Based on present levels of performance)

  • Participation in pre-vocational activities in order to increase daily living and job-related tasks

  • Community-Based Instruction opportunities

  • Instructional delivery based upon child’s particular interests and activities