Workers' Comp

Workers' Compensation Overview

Important Topics

  1. Board Policy 6.543, Human Resources Procedure Manual C7.4
  2. District Guidelines – After an employee injury, the employee must complete the First Report of Injury, Accident Incident Statement, and be treated at the contracted Urgent Care, which includes mandatory drug testing.
  3. The administration should complete the investigation and obtain witness statements if applicable.
  4. Risk Management can walk you through employee communication and return-to-work procedures.
  5. What about after hours questions?
  6. True emergencies that may be work comp related – go directly to the closest hospital for emergency care.
  7. Call Alexandra Timmons at (850) 380-6961 after an emergency is addressed.
  8. Non-emergency needs- Ms. Timmons will advise on treatment options based on time of day and needs.

Who to call or email for questions: Cindy McDonald (850) 983-5150 ext. 4282 Alexandra Timmons (850) 983-5150 ext. 1062