avalon middle school

Angie Dean - Cafeteria Manager

Years of Service - 21

Ofc: 850-983-5150 x. 6234

Email: DeanA@santarosa.k12.fl.us

gulf breeze middle school

Karen Petsch - Cafeteria Manager

Years of Service - 14

Ofc: 850-983-5150 x6441

Email: PetschK@santarosa.k12.fl.us

hobbs middle school

Tylor Porto - Cafeteria Manager

Years of Service - 1

Ofc: 850-983-5150 x. 6068

Email: portot@santarosa.k12.fl.us

Sims Middle School

James Kelly Jr. - Cafeteria Manager

Years of Service - 4

Ofc: 850-983-5150 x. 6201

Email: KellyJ2@santarosa.k12.fl.us

Woodlawn beach middle school

Sandra Glaze - Cafeteria Manager

Years of Service - 8

Ofc: 850-983-5150 x. 6526

Email: GlazeS@santarosa.k12.fl.us